The Overself’s Gentle Voice
… Among all the varied powers of the mind, a properly unfolded intuition is indeed one of the most priceless anyone could have. It always warns against wrong courses and often counsels the right ones…, Excerpt2011-12-28
In the fully trained philosopher, intuition is the most active faculty.
The capacity for intuition is born from a long experience in bygone lives but the psychological reality of it was always present–because the Overself was.
The discovery of the soul’s existence is not a result of intellectual analysis or of emotional feeling but of intuitive experience.
It is not through any intellectual process of reasoning from premise to conclusion that we come to know we exist, but through an immediate and spontaneous intuition.
The spiritual nature can only be discovered spiritually–not intellectually, not emotionally, and certainly not physically. Such a spiritual discovery can only be attained intuitively.
It is a fact that when the mind becomes perfectly controlled and thoughts are brought to a point and stilled, there arises a clear intuitive feeling which tells him about the mind itself.
The intuition comes from, and leads to, the Overself.
Because it comes from within, it comes with its own authority. When it is the real thing, the seeker will not have to question examine or verify its authenticity, will not have to run to others for their appraisal of its worth or its rejection as a pseudo-intuition. He will know overwhelmingly what it is in the same way that he knows who he is.
Here is this wonderful potency in man lying largely unused, this faculty of intuition that links him with a higher order of being.
He must educate himself to recognize the first faint beginnings of the intuitive mood and train himself to drop everything else when its onset is noticed.
The promptings that come from this inner being are so faintly heard at first, however strong on their own plane, that we tend to disregard them as trivial. This is the tragedy of man. The voices that so often mislead him into pain-bringing courses–his passion, his ego, and blind intellect–are loud and clamant. The whisper that guides him aright and to God is timid and soft.
At first intuition is like a frail thread, almost impalpable, of which he is just faintly aware; but if he heeds it, rivets attention stubbornly to it, the visitations come more and more often. If he follows the thread to its source, the message becomes clearer, stronger, precise.
Acknowledge the inner call when it comes by simply dropping whatever you are doing and relax, be it for a minute or a half-hour. Let consciousness turn away from the world to Consciousness, attend to Attention, but do it all passively, receptively.
The secret is to stop, on the instant, whatever he is doing just then, or even whatever he is saying, and reorient all his attention to the incoming intuition…, Excerpt2014-04-05
The unregarded feeling which first comes when an object, a person, or an event confronts one is mostly the correct intuition about it. But it must be caught on the wing or it will be gone.
The interval between the coming and the going of an intuitive thought is so short that he must immediately and alertly respond to it. If he misses it, he will find that the mind can go back to it only with difficulty and uncertainty.
The intuition may be slow in revealing itself but when it does the inner certitude it provides, the strong consciousness of being right, will enable him to act decisively and swiftly.
There are times when the Overself accepts no resistance, when it acts with such compelling force that the man is unable to disobey. But such happenings are special ones.
Intuition does not always flash suddenly out of the depths of the mind into consciousness: quite often it forms itself very slowly over a period of hours, days, or even weeks.
The deeper mind is so close to the source of our karma that we may at times get its right guidance not only intuitively from within but also circumstantially from without.
The Overself may use some event, some person, or some book as a messenger to him. It may make any new circumstance act in the same way. But he must have the capacity to recognize what is happening and the willingness to receive the message.
He may be sure of this, that whatever action the Overself’s leading causes him to take will always be for his ultimate good even though it may be to his immediate and apparent detriment.
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