The Spiritual Quest
The Quest of the Overself is none other than the final stage of mankind´s long pursuit of happiness.
For some people the Quest begins with a feeling that something is missing from their life, a need that none of their possessions or relations can satisfy.
It is because we have the Overself ever present within us that we are ever engaged in searching for it. The feeling of its absence (from consciousness) is what drives us to this search. Through ignorance we interpret the feeling wrongly and search outside, among objects, places, persons, or even ideas.
Those who have found their way to this Path leave forever behind them their aimless wanderings of the past.
Deep within man there is Something which waits for his discovery, something which reveals itself when he has penetrated far enough or when grace grants it or karma favours it.
Man begins his search for the highest Truth with his ego and rises to its higher and higher levels, but in the end he must leave the ego if the Truth is to be found. The manner of finding truth is such that he must leave the ego’s limitations and look to its origin, its universal source.
What he must do is to renounce the ego with all its pride, its greed and passion, and learn to understand his dependence on the Overself.
This wrong self-identification is not only a metaphysical error but also a mental habit. We may correct the error intellectually but we shall still have to deal with the habit. So deeply ingrained is it that only a total effort can successfully alter it. That effort is called the Quest.
First there must be intellectual understanding of the truth of his real being, then he can advance to the practices which lead to its realization.
The general line of inner development for the human race is in the first stage right action, which includes duty, service, responsibility…, Excerpt2012-09-28
Everything that helps one to become more aware of the existence of something higher than his personal self, and every experience that induces him to aspire towards a more spiritual way of life should be cultivated…, Excerpt2017-10-14
You need go to no one and no where, if you are seeking God. If this is your sincere desire, you have no need to go outside your own consciousness.
If it had been possible to attain salvation in the non-physical worlds, we would not have been born in this one. We are here because nowhere else could we, in our present state of progress, find the right environment to ripen those qualities which will lead us further toward this ultimate goal.
It is a work upon himself, his character and outlook, his knowledge and capacity. But especially is it a work upon his faculty of attention, his control of thought, his delicate awareness.
So stick to this quest with the iron determination not to stop until you have realized the truth. Don’t worry about the remoteness of the goal; leave all the results to fate and do the best you can. With proper guidance the goal can be brought infinitely nearer than it seems. Those who know truth want to share it; what else do they care for? Make up your mind and progress from can’t to can!
If one sticks to the Quest, come what may, he can be certain that his perseverance will eventually bring results. Some of the metaphysical studies and mystical exercises seem hard at first, but if one persists with them, the time will surely come when much which was hitherto obscure will suddenly become brilliantly clear and meaningful in a single instant before his eyes.
A mind freed from its weaknesses and illuminated by the Overself, a life guided from within and ruled by truth–these are some of the rewards the quest offers him.
When the Quest becomes the most important activity in a man’s life, even more important than his worldly welfare, then is Grace likely to become a reality rather than a theory in his life too.
There is nothing more important in life than the Quest, and the time will come when the student discovers that there is nothing more enjoyable as well. This is inevitable in a Quest whose essential nature is one of infinite harmony and unbroken peace. No worldly object, person, or pleasure can ever bestow the satisfaction experienced in uniting with the Overself.
To make progress inwardly is ultimately all that matters, everything else passes except the fruit of our spiritual efforts.
Henceforth he lives on and for the quest, killing in his heart all other desires.
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